This page emits our research activities on hydrometeorology over the Northeastern Indian subcontinent.
Observational sites

- Raingauges
- Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Sylhet, Bangladesh: 12 points
- Assam, India: 15 points
- Meghalaya, India: 10 points
- Automatic weather Stations
- Bangladesh: Jaintiapur, Sylhet Airport (Planned: Dhaka, Matlab, Chakoria / with ICDDRB)
- Meghalaya, India: Cherrapunjee
- Upper Layer Observations Campaigns
Related Research Projects / Funds
- Asian monsoon variability during the past 120 years
(FY2014-2018 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) / Principle Investigator: Jun Matsumoto) - Studies on 19-21 century Asian monsoon rainfall variability utilizing tea garden data rescue and climate projection
(FY2017-2019 The Sumitomo Foundation Grant for Environmental Research Projects / Principle Investigator: Azusa Fukushima) - Validation of GPM rain estimate products over the complex terrain in the Northeastern Indian suctoneinent
(FY2016-2018 The 8th Precipitation Measuring Mission / Principle Investigator: Toru Terao) - Towards the International Collaboration to the Implementation of the Early Warning System for the South Himalayan Cloudburst Disaster
(FY2016-2018 International Collaborative Research (DPRI, Kyoto University) / Principle Investigator: Someshwar Das (Central Univ. of Rajasthan))
- International Conference on the Water Crisis in the Asia-Pacific Region. [Call for Papers] (10-12 Feb. 2015, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan)
- 36th Indian Geographers' Meet and International Seminar. (25-28 Feb. 2015, Guwahati, Assam, India)
Recent publications
- Tanoue, M., K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, M. Kiguchi, T. Terao and T. Hayashi, 2018: Seasonal variation in isotopic composition and the origin of precipitation over Bangladesh. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 5, 77.
- Fukushima, A., H. Kanamori and J. Matsumoto, 2018: Regionality of long-term trends and interannual variation of seasonal precipitation over India. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 6, 20.
- Murata, F., T. Terao, H. Fujinami, T. Hayashi, H. Asada, J. Matsumoto, and H. J. Syiemlieh, 2017: Dominant synoptic disturbance in the extreme rainfall at Cherrapunji, Northeast India, based on 104 years of rainfall data (1902–2005). J. Climate, 30, 8237-8251.
- Terao, T., F. Murata, Y. Yamane, M. Kiguchi, A. Fukushima, M. Tanoue, S. Ahmed, S. A. Choudhury, H. J. Syiemlieh, L. Cajee, A. K. Bhagabati, P. Bhattacharya, S. Dutta, R. Mahanta, and T. Hayashi, 2017: Direct validation of TRMM/PR near surface rain over the Northeastern Indian subcontinent using a tipping bucket raingauge network. SOLA, 13, 157-162.
- Kiguchi, M., J. Matsumoto, S. Kanae, and T. Oki, 2016: Pre-monsoon rain and its relationship with monsoon onset over the Indochina Peninsula. Frontiers Atmos. Sci., 4:42, doi: 10.3389/feart.2016.00042.
- Endo, N., J. Matsumoto, T. Hayashi, T. Terao, F. Murata, M. Kiguchi, Y. Yamane, and M. S. Alam, 2015: Trends in precipitation characteristics in Bangladesh from 1950 to 2008. SOLA, 11, 113-117.
- Murata, F., S. M. Q. Hassan, M. A. Mannan, Y. Yamane, T. Hayashi, 2014: Bangladesh Tornado on 22 March 2013 --Its Damageand theAtmosphericCondition-- Tenki, 61, 151-158. (in Japanese)
- Yamane, Y., M. Kiguchi, T. Hayashi, A. M. Dewan and T. Terao, 2013: Characteristics of damages of severe local storms based on field surveys in Bangladesh. Journal of Disaster Research, 8(6), 1052-1060.
- Choudhury, S. A., T. terao, F. Murata, and T. Hayashi, 2013: Seasonal variations of temperature and rainfall characteristics in the northeastern part of Bangladesh around Sylhet. J. Agrofor. Environ., 6(2), 81-88.
- Fukushima, A., 2012: Determination of the premonsoon period and interannual variations of the premonsoon rainfall in the Himalayan foothills. J. Agrofor. Environ., 6(2), 21-24.
- Terao, T., F. Murata, A. Habib, M. S. H. Bhuiyan, S. A. Choudhury, and T. Hayashi, 2013: Impacts of rapid warm-to-cold ENSO transitions on summer monsoon rainfall over the northeastern Indian subcontinent. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 91, 1-21.
- Yamane, Y., T. Hayashi, M. Kiguchi, F. Akter, and A. M. Dewan, 2012: Synoptic situations of severe local convective storms during the pre-monsoon season in Bangladesh. Int. J. Climatol., 32, doi: 10.1002/joc.3460.
- Fujinami, H., D. Hatsuzuka, T. Yasunari, T. Hayashi, T. Terao, F. Murata, M. Kiguchi, Y. Yamane, J. Matsumoto, M. N. Islam, and A. Habib, 2011: Characteristic intraseasonal oscillation of rainfall and its effect on interannual variability over Bangladesh during boreal summer. Int. J. Climatol., 31, 1192-1204.
- Hashizume, M., A. S. G. Faruque, T. Terao, M. Yunus, K. Streatfield, T. Yamamoto and K. Moji, 2011: The Indian Ocean Dipole and Cholera Incidence in Bangladesh: A Time-Series Analysis. Environ. Health. Perspect., 119, 239-244.
- Murata, F., T. Terao, M. Kiguchi, A. Fukushima, K. Takahashi, T. Hayashi, A. Habib, M. S. H. Bhuiyan and S. A. Choudhury, 2010: Daytime thermodynamics and airflow structures over northeast Bangladesh during the pre-monsoon season: A case study on 25 April 2010. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 89, 167-179.
- Yamane, Y., T. Hauashi, A. M. Dewan and F. Akter, 2010: Severe local convective storms in Bangladesh: Part 2. Environmental conditions. Atmos. Res., 95, 407-418.
- Yamane, Y., T. Hauashi, A. M. Dewan and F. Akter, 2010: Severe local convective storms in Bangladesh: Part 1. Climatology. Atmos. Res., 95, 400-406.
- Hashizume, M., T. Terao and N. Minakawa, 2009: The Indian Ocean Dipole and malaria risk in the highlands of western Kenya. PNAS, 106, 1857-1892.
- Terao, T., M. N. Islam, F. Murata, and T. Hayashi, 2008: High temporal and spatial resolution observations of meso-scale features of pre- and mature summer monsoon cloud systems over Bangladesh. Natural Hazards, 44, 341-351.
- Murata, F., T. Terao, T. Hayashi, H. Asada and J. Matsumoto, 2008: Relationship between atmospheric conditions at Dhaka, Bangladesh, and rainfall at Cherrapunjee, India. Natural Hazards, 44, 341-351.
- Yamane, Y. and T. Hayashi, 2006: Evaluation of environmental conditions for the formation of severe local storms across the Indian subcontinent. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L17806.
- Terao, T., M. N. Islam, T. Hayashi and T. Oka, 2006: Nocturnal jet and its effects on early morning rainfall peak over northeastern Bangladesh during the summer monsoon season. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L18806.
- Terao, T., and T. Kubota, 2005: East-west SST contrast over the tropical oceans and the post El Nino western North Pacific summer monsoon. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L15706.